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Dental emergencies

Dental Bridge

Bridging the gap with a bright, healthy smile.

What is a dental bridge

A dental bridge fills a gap between your teeth with false teeth, but without ‘implanting’ them into your jaw like a traditional dental implant. Instead, as the name suggests, a bridge connects a false tooth to your natural teeth on either side of the gap.

They can be a good option if you prefer not to have a dental implant, or if your gums or jaw are not in the right condition to receive an implant.

nashua dentist check up

How long does a dental bridge last

With good care and regular check-ups, a dental bridge can last for at least 10 years. You will need to avoid biting down on very hard and very sticky foods to minimise the chance of breaking the bridge or even pulling it off.

You will also need to maintain good dental hygiene to support the strength of your natural teeth and gums, as these support the bridge.

dental doctor check patient teeth

How many teeth can be on a bridge

Usually, a bridge replaces just one tooth, but it can replace up to four teeth. It can depend on your oral health and the placement of the gap, so be sure to ask your dentist for the best options.

patient implant

If you’re ready to take the next step towards a healthier, happier smile, book your appointment with us today.

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